Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Revelations on my Chosen Carreer

A long time ago in a land far, far away....

Wait a minute, I'm not that old. Let's begin this again.

It happened back in my high school days, I can't remember if I was a sophomore or junior. The school district decided that it would be a fabulous idea to give each class a standardized personality test that was supposed to predict what we should be when we grew up. You know, according to our interests and personality strengths.

So after 2 hours of questions like “Do you prefer to sit alone in a cubical or slaughter helpless farm animals”, my test was done and submitted for interpretation. After waiting several weeks for the return of the test results, I found out my future career.

I was destined to be a Vintner.

What the heck is a Vintner?

A vintner is a person who makes wine. Yes, I was destined to be a lush. Of course, no one got the answer they expected. Very few of the tests actually predicted what us high school kids thought we wanted to be. We laughed over our results and then promptly forgot about them. We graduated high school and moved onto college.

Fast forward 12 years. (Yes, 12 years. I’m getting old now). I’m the mother of 2 beautiful girls and have another girl who should arrive in April 2010. I have a degree in Political Science and I am a stay at home mom.

(By the way, thanks mom and dad for paying for my college education. Thank you for the $40,000 piece of paper.)

I had forgotten about that stupid career test, taken so long ago, until one of the girls who babysits for me mentioned that she had to take it the other day. I began to reminisce about how stupid I thought it was.

Then it hit me. The stupid test was right! I became a vintner, of sorts! Only, my wine is spelled slightly different.

I make whine.

Yes, the fruits of my life, my darling little girls, are big time WHINERS.

What a fool I was to doubt the validity of standardized tests.